Follow the Karaisalı Road to Dr. Sadık Ahmet Boulevard near Carrefour, then drive in the direction of Seyhan Dam Lake. You will see Adana International Exhibition and Congress Center on your left hand side.


You can use the public transport to arrive at Karaisalı Road (near Carrefour) and at Dr. Sadık Ahmet Boulevard. From those points, Adana International Exhibition and Congress Center is just 5-10 minute walk away


The sixth most populous city in Turkey, a city with high economical dynamism, Adana is located at the heart of Çukurova Region, a vast fertile land where Anatolia's rich resources meet Mediterranean Sea. With its strategic location, its transportation and accommodation possibilities, and its agricultural, industrial and tourism potential, Çukurova is Turkey's gateway to Middle East and Africa.

Located on the fertile watery land of Seyhan and Ceyhan Rivers delta, Adana has a history of eight thousand years, and has been home to numerous civilizations. Following the building of Seyhan Dam and the developments in the agricultural technologies, the city has developed significantly since the 50ties in agricultural productivity.

Hosting various festivals Adana also livens up country's agenda. The city has become prominent not only for its economical and production activities in agriculture and stock breeding but also in other industries such as food, mining, construction and packaging.

For more information on Adana visit