10.11.2018The 28th ARTIST / Istanbul Art Fair organized by TÜYAP Fairs will host a number of galleries and a large project under the theme of EXPERIENCE in Hall 7, and independent young artists and events in Hall 8.The fair opened at 11 am on Saturday, November 10, 2018, and features works by hundreds of artists in two halls and 12 thousand square meters of exhibition space.
ARTIST 2018 Honors
Winners of the Honor Awards of the Istanbul Art Fair are were chosen to commemorate outstanding contributions to various branches of plastic arts. The Artist Honorary Award was given to Alev Ebüzziya, Art and Sociology Theoretician / Art Critic Honorary Award was given to Professor Meral Özbek, the Art Collector Honorary Award was given to Erol Tabanca, and the Art Friendly Institution Honorary Award was given to Açık Radyo. The awards will be presented at the TÜYAP Honors Dinner on Monday, November 12th.
Honor Awards exhibitions will be held in Hall 7. Also in Hall 7 will be galleries including Evin Art Gallery, Karşı Sanat Çalışmaları, Akademililer Sanat Merkezi, Nurol Art Gallery, D’Art Gallery, Galeri Soyut, Doruk Art Gallery, Galeri Diani, Artestruttura and NeoArtGallery, as well as projects such as Next-Generation Library ZAİ and Gravürist.
Supporting Young Artists for 14 Years
ARTIST has had an open door policy for young artists, groups, initiatives and fine arts faculties students for 14 years, and prepares a space for them in Hall 8 this year. This space helps young artists and art students to contact galleries, take part in projects, and create joint projects of their own.
Hall 8 in ARTIST 2018 will be populated by more than 30 initiatives and groups in addition to the Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Fine Arts, Istanbul Kültür University, and International Knidos Culture and Art Academy.
Experience at TÜYAP
Having transformed TÜYAP into a public space with themes like Unexpected Territories and Utopia in the past years, the project team intends to take a new approach to art this year under the concept of Experience.
The event hopes to be a profound, challenging and provocative praxis with artist collectives and independent initiatives from Turkey and the world. The Fair invites all participants to discuss the concept of experience from the perspective of esthetics, ethics, labor, science, science-fiction, technology, history and popular culture. Like Oscar Wilde suggested, experience may be the name one gives to one’s mistakes. But what if one continues making the same mistakes despite thousands of years of life experience? To experiment: maybe this is where hope prevails in the experience."
Experience brings together 44 independent artist collectives from Istanbul, Ankara, Diyarbakır Eskişehir, İzmir, Mardin and Mersin: Bandrolsüz, FailBooks, Express Dergisi, Çağdaş Sanat Bülteni, E-skop, Güncel Sanat Arşivi, Birbuçuk, Artık İşler Kolektifi, Atelier Muse, Rubber Hammer, Durum Sanat Grubu, Taşeron Sanat İnisiyatifi, Ağustos Atölyesi, Atölye Altı, Demo Lab, Moku, Tasarım Bakkalı, Engelsiz Pedal, D’Art Galeri, Poşe, Periferi Kolektifi, Gündelik Hayat Deneyimlerinden Söz'ler, Whydahgally, KA Atölye, Artin90, Benden Güçlü, Kendine Ait bir Oda, NOKS Bağımsız Sanat Alanı, Darağaç Projesi, Kültürhane, DegartLab, Minör Strateji, 13 Metrekare, Merkezkaç, Dijital Obsküra, GOP, PAT Atölye. Also attending will be Berlin-based Together ∅ emptiness, Munich-based Rhythm Section and The Beautiful Formula, and Iraq-based Art Rol.
Experience: August Workshop
The Artist Experience journey had begun with the August Workshop held with 35 young artists. As the quest for an alternative art education, the August Workshop was attended by young artists from Ankara, Istanbul, Van, Diyarbakır and Mardin, who worked on varying disciplines. Visitors will be able to appreciate the outcomes and a documentary overview of the month-long use of Tüyap spaces as workshops and living quarters at Artist Experience.
Follow the Istanbul Art Fair
Please visit and follow our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts @sanatfuari and @artistdeneyim for the latest news.
As always, the 28th Istanbul Art Fair will be held concurrently with the 37th International Istanbul Book Fair organized by TÜYAP Fairs in association with the Turkish Publishers Association.
ARTIST 2018 will be open from 11 am to 7 pm during the week and from 11 am to 8 pm on the weekend. The fair will close at 7 pm on Sunday, November 18.
TÜYAP Tüm Fuarcılık Yapım A.Ş.
Art Fair Contact:
Bora Ulutaş
Project Coordination
0212 867 11 00/1253
Press Contact:
Cemran Öder
Corporate Communication Manager
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